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This is a blog about the history of Washington DC. I hope you enjoy and get alot out of this blog if you have any comments just ask and i will answer as soon as possiable.
P.s I hope you enjoy this MR.Runck just remember this is my english grade!!!!!!! LOL

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Abraham Lincolon

Abraham lincolon was the 16th president. Abraham Lincolon was born on Febuary 12 1809. Lincolon was president when the civil war was in effect. He was the first Republicon to be elceted president. He played a very important role in the presidential seat. He signed the Emancepation Proclomation. What that was about was that document freed all the slaves. President Lincoln was at the Fords Theater watching a play and he got shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth. President Lincoln was rushed to the Petersons house where he was in acoma for nine hours. Lincolon never regained conciousness. Docter Charles Leale Pronounced that he was dead at 7:22am On April 15th 1865. Lin colons body was put on a train and was brought through several states as people morned from his death. On the other hand The Copperheads were celebrating his death because they belived that he was a tyrant.

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